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Who is the Community of Infinite Spirit?

Our Creed Is Love.  
Our Path is Service.  
Our Goal is God Awareness.

About us


We are a light unto the world for individual and global peace, spiritual understanding and abundant life.


Our Mission is to be aware of the Infinite Presence that is All; both invisible and visible.


To live a God inspired and fulfilling life in peace, love and joy.


To teach Universal Principle of "Omnipresence."


To respect all world religions, all people and all life.


To be a supportive spiritual community for the good of all.

Our Beliefs

Our belief starts from the basic principle of Omnipresence of God. God everywhere present both visible and invisible. This Divine presence is pure love and goodness. God is Omnipotent; there being only one true power, and it is based in love and goodness.  God is Omniscient; the light of God as one intelligence of all knowledge.  God is Creator, Creative activity, and Creation. All of creation, all life is an expression of this one Infinite Presence we call God. Living from this standpoint of truth brings peace, joy, wholeness and fulfilment of all good things in our life. We are in an ever state of awakening and evolving our understanding of this truth of God and our relationship of At-one-ment; truly being of God.

We teach the Bible metaphysically for the deeper message as Jesus taught as to have "ears to hear and eyes to see."  We acknowledge Jesus the Christ as a great master world teacher who evolved the highest level of knowing his At-one-ment of God.  We adhere to his message of God as love, and for us to be loving, compassionate, forgiving and inclusive. To love God with all our heart, mind and soul, and to love one another as our self.  

Community of Infinite Spirit bases its teachings on Divine Science founded in 1885. We consider Divine Science principles to be universal spiritual Principle central to any religious or spiritual practice. The study of Divine Science, and the application of its principles are a practical philosophy for a spiritual and fulfilled life.  


We are a member of the Divine Science Federation International and International New Thought Alliance. In addition, we are the West Coast Campus for United Divine Science Ministerial School, providing correspondent and zoom classes in the principles of Divine Science for personal enrichment, as well as Divine Science Practitioner and Ministerial training.

Rev. Christine Emmerling, D.D.

Rev. Mark Stuefloten

Rev. Teresa Stuefloten

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Leadership & Practitioners Team


Rev. Christine Emmerling, D.D.

Senior Minister

Rev. Christine Emmerling DD is the Sr. Minister of the Community of Infinite Spirit and Educational Director of the West Coast Campus of United Divine Science Ministerial School. She is available for spiritual counseling and prayer, and training in Divine Science. For an appointment: Phone: 831-313-1696 or leave message at 408-293-3838 or


Rev. Teresa Stuefloten, M.Div.

Assistant Minister

Rev. Teresa is an ordained Divine Science Minister. Rev. Teresa participates in the Spiritual Team activities which include:  Sunday Service, weekly Meditations, Zoom book studies, Divine Science classes, and is available for spiritual counseling and prayer. Call 408-888-4637


Rev. Sheree Garrett

Assisting Minister 

Rev. Sheree is an ordained Divine Science Minister. Rev. Sheree participates in the Spiritual Team activities which include: he Sunday services, weekly Meditations, Zoom book studies, and Divine Science classes. She also does the Social  Media for the Church. Call 408-293-3838

Divine Science Licensed Practitioners are:

Albert Pagin, Bobbi Peterson

Board Members Are:

President - Cheryl Magill

Secretary - Rev. Teresa Stuefloten M.Div. 

Treasurer - Rev. Sheree Garrett

At-Large - Debbie Yardley

Ex-officio Member - Rev. Dr. Christine Emmerling

Office Mailing Address:

Community of Infinite Spirit

c/o Rev. Christine Emmerling

1160 Richard Rd.

Hollister, CA 95023

Phone: 831-313-1696 / cell message 408-293-3838    

Inspirational Message: 408-286-6969



© Copyright Community of Infinite Spirit - All rights preserved.


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