Community of Infinite Spirit
Sunday Services, Spiritual Healing, Meditation, Classes
West Coast Online Campus for United Divine Science Ministerial School
All Are Welcome!
Prayer Treatments
Transformative Healing Prayer
with Divine Science Licensed Practitioners
The Power of Prayer restores the harmony of the soul and body to its perfect balance and health. Prayer raises the person's consciousness in Truth which establishes a new order of mind, body, and circumstance of health, relationships, career, prosperity, etc. All things are possible in the Light of Truth. "You will know the truth, and that very truth will make you free," (John 8:32).
A Licensed Divine Science Practitioner is a professional in spiritual healing through the art of prayer in Truth Principle. Each practitioner has completed an average of 2-3 years in course study and training. These courses are designed to prepare the consciousness in the art of healing.
A Practitioner works with you by appointment, phone or email. Prayer treatments are provided on a donation basis.
Relationship with your Practitioner
We like to think of our professional relationship as being that of a partnership -- a prayer partner that supports and guides while always holding to the highest Truth of you. The practitioner is also a teacher that gives assignments so that the spiritual work that has been done is strengthened. Healing is the result in a change in consciousness from that of matter to spirit -- from error thinking to Truth.
The practitioner listens with an open and non-judging heart. Your sessions are held in the strictest of confidentiality. We recommend to keep the sharing of a challenge to a minimum, and no more than five minutes, because focusing any longer will only add energy to the appearance. It is not necessary for the practitioner to know every detail.
A typical session takes about 30 minutes, or until Spirit says it is done. A prayer treatment begins with words of Truth about God, and moves to our relation to God. Then we reframe our thoughts in right alignment of the Truth. This is followed by periods of silence and always closes with gratitude and release in faith knowing that it is already done.
Following the Prayer session we suggest to not speak of the condition, until it is well established in the new order. If you feel pulled to talk about it, then read something inspiring and affirm the Truth. You may need follow-up sessions depending upon how deeply rooted the belief is in your consciousness.
It is important to stay in touch with your practitioner until the prayer is fulfilled. We recommend to stay with the same practitioner until it is finished, otherwise the consciousness that is built scatters the faith, and confusion may set in.
Your practitioner accepts donations as an exchange for energy given. This strengthens the intention of your prayer by demonstrating your faith.
For more information, pick up our brochure on the Power of Prayer for Spiritual Healing.
Rev. Christine Emmerling, D.D.
Senior Minister
Rev. Christine Emmerling DD is the Sr. Minister of the Community of Infinite Spirit and Educational Director of the West Coast Campus of United Divine Science Ministerial School. She is available for spiritual counseling and prayer, and training in Divine Science. For an appointment: Phone: 831-313-1696, infinitespirit@comcast.net
Rev. Teresa Stuefloten, M. Div.
Assistant Minister
Rev. Teresa is an ordained Divine Science Minister. Rev. Teresa participates in the Spiritual Team activities which include Sunday Service, weekly meditations, Zoom book studies, Divine Science classes and is available for spiritual counseling and prayer. Call 408-888-4637 teresastuefloten@yahoo.com
Rev. Sheree Garrett
Assisting Minister
Rev. Sheree is an ordained Divine Science Minister. Rev. Sheree participates in the Spiritual Team activities which include Sunday services, weekly meditations, Zoom book studies and Divine Science classes. She is does our Social Media for the Church. She is available for spiritual counseling and prayer. Call 408-218-2897 gsheree216@gmail.com