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Reading & Meditation (Love) by Rev. Christine Emmerling DD, 3/2/2025

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Today’s reading is from the Divine Science Federation Daily Studies by

Rev. Nina Russell ~ Baton Rouge, LA

Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.

–John 8:32

The above Bible quote is a cause-and-effect sentence. If you know the Truth, (cause), then the Truth will make you free (effect). Jesus came here to teach us and this is one of his primary teachings. No longer do we have blind faith but move into understanding faith; there are conditions we have to meet if we want to be free – mentally, morally, physically or financially.

“Know the Truth!” But what is Truth? It is not the relative truth, or facts of humankind, as these change according to man’s conditioning and thinking. The Truth of God is eternal, immutable, absolute.

When we look out through human eyes, we see a world in chaos. When we can look through God’s eyes, we know the Truth and help to free ourselves and perhaps even others to get back into their oneness with God. It takes people who are willing to raise their consciousness, to see as God sees, in order to truly help the world and bring God’s perfect kingdom into total manifestation on Earth.

Affirm: Today I look through appearances and see God’s good in everything.


We shall now move into a meditation on “Love.” Get comfortable and relax as we turn inward to our Holy Temple - that sacred place within us. Let us relax into our breathing as we quiet our mind of worldly thoughts. We now bring our mind and heart together as we silently listen.

God’s love, Infinite Spirit, is everywhere present as unconditional compassionate love. Love is the one true power that lights the way as a ray of sunlight casting out all shadows of darkness. Being one with God I too am love, Love is my true nature.

I am a bright and shining light of love. (Repeat)

I breathe love into my heart. I can feel God’s love radiating within me. My heart is a power center of love. I now exhale love through my heart. I breathe in and I breathe out love.

Every atom of every cell of my being is now vibrating to the frequency of God’s love. I am the living activity of love. God’s love expressing through me shines forth into this world as a beacon of light. What is true of me is true of everyone everywhere. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I see the light of love in me and in everyone. For all there is, is God’s love here now and forevermore. Be still now and know God’s love.

As we come out of the silence, let us give thanks for these moments of silence in communion. Thank you. So it is!

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Community of Infinite Spirit

c/o Rev. Christine Emmerling

1160 Richard Rd.

Hollister, CA 95023

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