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Reading & Meditation (Life) Rev. Mark 4/4/21

Divine Science Reading

Healing goes much deeper than the getting rid of a particular illness or complaint. It

is a process of whole-making, a process which is always at work within us if we will

recognize it and cooperate with it. The total personality is involved in true spiritual

healing.It requires living in and from the basis of spirit of wholeness, in which the

universe operates, if we are to maintain an abiding consciousness of health and


We are living a resurrected life every new day. We only have to recognize it and

declare it.


God is whole. God creates Beings, creatures and things from wholeness.

With God nothing is impossible because all creation is whole.

With God all beings, all conditions and all situations can become like new because

they are whole.

My life is a testimonial of a life lived in the flow of unlimited good possibilities, and I

recognize and declare my life is whole. Everyone and everything is whole.

My life is a testimonial of a life lived with the awareness that nothing good is

impossible for me, because I recognize and declare it so.

I recognize and declare that with God all conditions and situations can become like


God is with me, expressing as me, and I am with God, expressing God. God and I are


I recognize that God is my life; my life is good.

I recognize that God is my life; my life is good.

I recognize that God is my life; my life is good.

I recognize and I declare that all Beings, all creatures and all things are whole,

created from divine wholeness.

Take a moment now to experience silence, a time to dive deep, recognize and

declare our wholeness, and the wholeness of others and other things.

Now let’s move from the silence and become present, aware of our true Being,

whole and divine.

Rev. Mark Stuefloten

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