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Reading & Meditation by Rev. Christine Emmerling 1/10/21 (text)

Reading & Meditation

by Rev. Christine 1/10/2021

I’m reading today from Divine Science Its Principle and Practice, the chapter God and Man are One.

There is only one Mind, one Substance, one Source, one Presence, one Power, one Life – All Good. Although Truth is omnipresent and changeless; although man lives, moves and has his being in God, the All Good; although he dwells in the kingdom of heaven, if he is not conscious of it, he may go on his way lacking many things and losing the blessedness that IS his.

“Heirs of God, joint-heirs with Christ,” Romans 8:17, men may, through ignorance of the truth, be slaves of misery, doubt, and poverty. It is KNOWING the truth that makes man free. Man gives a sense of reality and power to evil when he fails to recognize that his source, his life, his very existence through time and eternity is God the Good. Truth must be recognized in order to be realized and to become a power in the lives of men.

Ignorance of the truth of his Being does not alter man’s true nature, for the REALITY of man never changes. Ignorance is the seeming great delusion of the world. It unknowingly takes things for what they are not; that is, takes the expression for the Expresser, the body for the source of Self, the brain for the source of Mind, the letter for the Spirit and, in general, causes a sense of disorder or disease...

The divine nature can never be lost for it is an eternal truth, and sooner or later everyone must awaken to its presence within him. Eventually each one will be able to say, “I am because God is, God is the reason or cause of my being, the source of my existence. All that I am must be found in God, and most truly I cannot be something that my source is not. My source decides my nature. The stream is like the fountain from which it flows.”

Begin each day with an acknowledgment of Omnipresent good. Think of yourself as a son of God. Think of your children, your friends, and all persons, not as they seem by observation, but as they are in God... Know that what is true of God is true of you and of them. From this standpoint you can intelligently master the problems of life. From this standpoint it is right for you to accept for yourself all thoughts and feelings of divine love, truth, knowledge, power, strength, health, happiness, success, and perfect harmony. By making this your daily practice you will partake of the free gift of eternal life; you will be remembering God the Good. Through this consciousness the healing of body and affairs takes place and Good is made manifest.

The following is the Divine Science Statement of Being:

“God is all, both invisible and visible. One Presence, One Mind, One Power is all. This One that is all, is perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance. Man is the individualized expression of God, and is ever one with this perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance.” I like to personalize the last line to read as, “I am the individualized expression of God and am ever one with this perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance.” And so it is.


We shall now move into meditation. I invite you to get comfortable, and begin with some full deep breathing... Let us take the statement of being within us. “God is all, both invisible and visible. One Presence, One Mind, One Power is all. This One that is all, is perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance. I am the individualized expression of God, and am ever one with this perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance.”

I am ever one with this perfect life, perfect love, and perfect substance. 3x

Omnipresence, God everywhere present, is right here where I am, the very life of me right down to every cell, atom, and proton. The light and life that is in the farthest regions of the universe is the same as that right here within me; all good, pure love, divine intelligence. All one.

Let us move into the silence.

Thank you God for these moments in communion, in truth and light.

I invite you to bring your attention back to your breath, your body, and open your eyes as ready.

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