Christmas is about new beginnings. Christmas is a birth, an awakening within us. We prepare for this through the Advent Season which began on December 1st this year. We moved through the attributes of hope, faith, joy, peace all in preparation to bring for the birth, the awakening, of the Christ within us.
As we know a birth is just the beginning to a person’s life. For us it’s the birth of a new understanding, an awakening to the truth of our being. It’s the next stage in our spiritual journey as a spiritual being, First as a babe in the manger to the Christ unfolded bearing the gifts of the wise men.
Many people in today’s world celebrate Christmas with gift giving. With our young children we teach them about Santa Claus, and that Christmas is about receiving gifts. Then sometime in their childhood we teach them also about giving gifts. That Christmas is about both the giving and receiving.
Another way to think of gifts is about ourselves being a gift. That we give of ourselves to others. We can only give what we are in consciousness. We can’t give what we don’t have. I’m not talking about the gifts we buy or trade for. This is about who and what we are from the inside out of our being. The ancient Egyptians used to weigh the heart of the dead to determine if they’re worthy to ascend to heaven.
Our heart is our gift to this world. The Christ Consciousness is about being that unconditional love and compassion, and being there when called upon, I’m reminded of the parable of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37. This story is about a man traveling in a strange land, and is robbed of all his possessions and is severely beaten. A priest ignores him, as well as a Levite. Then a Samaritan, considered lesser than because of his mixed heritage, was the one to stop and assist. This Samaritan rented a room, clothed, tended to his wounds, and even left money for this stranger to stay and heal. This is true unconditional love and compassion. His gift was immeasurable for that stranger.
Forgiveness is another trait that Jesus often taught. We are to have the ability to forgive, to release any attached pain or anger for the people involved even if it takes 70 times 7. We are to also forgive our self. For how can we truly love another when we still carry anger, guilt and shame within our self?
Then in Luke 6:27 “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.” Whatever we are judging in another, there is some aspect of it within our consciousness. When we stop seeing in separation, then we stop judging, stop fearing, and we stop blaming. The instructions are clear to transform relationships from enemy to friend.
We break the cycle by not matching their energy. We begin with love by looking past the humanness and loving the Divine, the Christ that is their true being. We are called to take action in being kind, helpful, and share. We bless by wanting the best for them. Then we pray; affirming truth of God, connecting to our Christ Consciousness, and being in a listening state of Oneness. In God there is only one mind, one spirit, one life. We are One in God.
Our gifts that we have to give become a true blessing to this world. Our awakening shines brightly for everyone.
5-Pointed Star Meditation
The following is a guided Christ 5-pointed star meditation. Each of the 5 points represents an aspect of the Christmas season of Hope, Faith, Joy, Peace and Love. We are igniting these qualities within ourselves.
Let us get comfortable, relax and turn inward to our Holy Temple. We begin by imagining a 5 pointed golden star in front of us. We now bring this golden star within us, imagining ourselves standing with our limbs outstretched. We stretch our star to fit our body with the top point slightly above the head, to the tips of our fingers and feet.
We begin at our right foot repeating the word “Hope.”
Next we bring our attention to our left foot saying “Faith.”
Now we bring our focus to our right hand and repeat the word “Joy.”
Now to our left hand and repeat the word “Peace.”
Let us now bring our attention to the top of our head and repeat “Love.”
Our star is now fully ignited within us radiating hope, faith, joy, peace and love. We see it glowing a radiant golden light. Take a few moments to embodying our Christ Star – feel its light energized by the power of Christ’s Love...
Now we shall imagine the earth as a small globe in front of us... We take our charged 5 pointed Christ star and place it above the earth lighting the way for all mankind...
Now slowly move our Christ Star down into the earth’s center to radiate from the inside out; now extend the 5 points of the star out from the earth. Awakening and healing our wonderful mother earth, all nature and all life...
With a full heart of love, joy and gratitude we say, It is done!
“Thank You God! And so it is. Amen!”
This concludes our service, and we thank you for your participation. May the light that we instilled today continue to shine brightly, truly being a great beacon unto the world. Christ in you the hope of glory. May your Christ light ever shine brightly. Merry Christmas to all!