Community of Infinite Spirit
Sunday Services, Spiritual Healing, Meditation, Classes
West Coast Campus for United Divine Science Ministerial School
All Are Welcome!
Giving to Community of Infinite Spirit
Community of Infinite Spirit (CIS) welcomes love offerings and tithes as an opportunity to support its work of furthering the spiritual teaching of Divine Science. For those of you who feel drawn to express your gratitude to CIS, we are deeply appreciative. CIS is an outward expression of an inner devotion to spiritual Truth. Love, joy, wisdom and power illumine our programs. We welcome all spiritual seekers to join in supporting our loving family.
CIS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization. Your gift is tax deductible.
Let us pray: Loving Source, filling all with your nature of Good, we are deeply grateful for our ever increasing understanding that we are forever one with the One I Am. Thank you that infinite Good pours through each of us and all creation, revealing wholeness, abundance, peace, and harmony. And so it is, Amen.
To get started, choose one of these convenient ways to give.